The importance of fire protection

New research from Inside Housing shows that 71% of social housing in England has safety issues regarding fire protection and smoke detection. Since the tragedy of Grenfell exactly one year ago, it’s alarming that not much progress has been made in making buildings more safe in the case of a fire. Are you doing all you can to ensure the safety of your staff, tenants or family?

We have many years of experience in implementing high-quality fire protection products for both residential and commercial customers. Our qualified team have earned a 9.99 score on Checkatrade that shows our professionalism and commitment to providing an unbeatable service.

Find out more details about how fire protection and smoke detection products will benefit you on 01202 985655. 

Brian Robinson, the president of the Fire Sector Federation states the issue with a lack of fire safety lies with workers, “if you get plumbers, electricians, you name it, coming into a building the first thought on their mind isn’t fire safety. It’s actually ‘let get the job done’, and the worst thing that can happen is they punch a hole in the wall and then fill it up with magic foam which is flammable. It’s legion.” As a society we can improve fire safety by providing protection wherever possible; products such as fire and smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and carbon monoxide alarms (CO alarms) are essential in offering a safer environment for family or your team members.

Canada and the US have an annual Fire Protection Week that falls in between the 7th and 13th of October of this year. During this week the NFPA, who sponsor the event, are encouraging people to remember the most three important things in the event of a fire. “Look for places fire can start, Listen for the sound of the smoke alarm, Learn two ways out of each room.”

Lorraine Carli, NFPA’s vice president of Outreach and Advocacy explains, “people take safety for granted and are not aware of the risk of fire. Paying attention to your surroundings, looking for available exits in the event of a fire or other emergency, and taking the smoke alarm seriously if it sounds can make a potentially life-saving difference in a fire or other emergency situation.”

Is your building compliant with fire safety regulations? For more information about our smoke detection and fire protection products and services contact us on 01202 985655.