What Fire Extinguishers Do I Need?

A fire control system is made up of alarms with lights and sounds that alert the building’s inhabitants, emergency exits and signals, fire extinguishers and lights powered by batteries or solar rays.

Fire extinguishers are a critical part of indoor fire control because, on average, a fire can spread by 40% before it is dealt with by the local fire department, according to fire statistics from the Government of UK.

It is necessary to install fire extinguishers that are appropriate to the type of room, the number of people in the building and the capacity a fire can spread according to space. It is also necessary to service these fire extingusihers on a regular basis to make sure they are in correct working order. Contact TJC today on 01202 985655 to find out more.

What types of fire extinguishers are best for me?

The right fire extinguisher will allow you to prevent fire accidents quickly and safely. That way, you will be able to protect the inhabitants of the building and, at the same time, ensure the integral well-being of the material goods. With it, you’ll be prepared for any eventuality with fire!

Depending on your needs, there are several types of fire extinguishers on the market. Among the most common are:

Water fire extinguishers

The water in fire extinguishers acts to absorb the heat. The water evaporates at high combustion temperatures by expanding its volume approximately 1671 times. Water displaces oxygen and combustion vapours. They are suitable for class A fires, but not for class C fires because the running water with which these extinguishers are charged conducts electricity.

Foam fire extinguishers (AFFF)

These fire extinguishers work by cooling and suffocation. The foam generates a continuous layer of aqueous material that displaces air, which cools and prevents the escape of steam in order to stop or prevent combustion. Although there are different types of foams, the most common foam fire extinguishers use AFFF, which is suitable for hydrocarbons. These fire extinguishers are suitable for class A fires and class B fires.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

Due to this gas being locked under pressure, when it discharges it expands abruptly. Thus, the temperature of the agent decreases to “dry ice”. It is used in class B and class C fires because it is not electrically conductive. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers can be used in class A fires if it’s supplemented with a water fire extinguisher.

Special powder extinguishers for class D fire

A wide variety of formulations are available to combat combustible metal fires. There is no universal extinguishing agent for combustible metals, each dry powder compound is effective on certain specific metals and alloys. However, special powder fire extinguishers are only suitable for class D fires.

Potassium acetate-based fire extinguishers of the K-Class

Potassium acetate-based fire extinguishers are used in fires produced by oils and grease products. Potassium acetate is discharged in the form of a fine mist. When it comes in contact with oil or grease, it produces a soapy foam that seals the surface and separates it from the air.

It is recommended to have a fire extinguisher for each class of fire. These devices are a great support to control a fire while local firefighters arrive.

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